About this Page:
This page has a number of graphical, military-related, TrueType Fonts, including former Soviet Equipment, Modern Aircraft, WW2 Tanks, WW2 Soldiers, Map Icons, Serbo-Croat for QWERTY keyboards, Napoleonic Symbols, WW2 German Map Symbols, and others.
System Requirements:
You need a PC running any version of Windows from 3.1 or later, and later model Apple Macs. To view some of the supporting documents you may require MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel. MAC Users: These fonts can easily be converted for use on a Macintosh with a utility such as TTConverter (Thanks to George for that one)(only required for older Mac OS versions).
Download the files to your hard drive and UNZIP them into a directory - I call mine FONTS. Open the CONTROL PANEL and FONTS, and ADD FONTS. Select the FONTS Directory and SELECT ALL. Then INSTALL. There are MS Excel spreadsheeds giving the font Key Map with each font, but no additional instructions with these files.
Liability for Damages
Tom Mouat shall, in no event, be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, or other pecuniary loss) as well as any and all losses, costs, or expenses of any kind (including legal fees and expert fees) arising out of the use or inability to use these fonts and sample files, even if Tom Mouat. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Tom Mouat will have no responsibility to replace media damaged by accident, abuse or misapplication. Tom Mouat gives no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to these fonts and sample files and any associated documentation. You download and use these fonts and sample files at your own risk. The non-exclusive licence to download these fonts and sample files is dependent and subject to your agreement to
the above.
Intellectual Ownership
Tom Mouat hereby asserts and gives notice of his right under section 77 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of these fonts and sample files (except where stated). These fonts and sample files remain the intellectual property of Tom Mouat, but they can be used and copied freely.
Freeware Distribution
These fonts and sample files may be distributed by any means, provided that the following limitations are obeyed:
- No profit is made from the reproduction or distribution of these fonts and sample files. This includes using my fonts for advertising or commercial demonstration purposes - so if I turn up at a trade show like ITEC again and find someone demonstrating their product with my Map Symbols again, without giving me credit or paying me for them, I shall be very disappointed.
Commercial Distribution
Commercial Companies and Software Manufacturers are permitted to include MapSymbs, or references to MapSymbs with any of their sales products, provided that the following limitations are obeyed:
- The MapSymbs fonts and sample files are not required to be installed in order for the product to function.
- The MapSymbs fonts and sample files are identified as being separately developed by Tom Mouat.
- The MapSymbs fonts and sample files are physically or electronically separated from the Commercial product, either by being provided on a separate Floppy Disk, separate CD ROM, or by a clearly labeled separate Directory within the commercial product.
- If the MapSymbs fonts are made available online within the Commercial Company's own website, there must be no charge to download the fonts, they must be identified as being separately developed by Tom Mouat, and a link must be provided to this site on the same page as the download link (as close to the download link as makes sence given the overall website design).
- A fully working copy of the commercial product that is being associated with the MapSymbs fonts and sample files is provided at no cost to Tom Mouat. This provision of a copy of the software is intended to be used solely to ensure compatability with the fonts and sample files, and to allow Tom Mouat to answer any queries that users may have concerning the product and MapSymbs fonts and sample files. It is not intended as payment for the provision of MapSymbs fonts and sample files. Ownership of this copy of the software remains with the manufacturer who may request its return at any time.
A warning about FTP
The server holding these files does not permit server side access, so FTP programs and commands will not work. Simply click on the link below to download.
- I agree - Download the embeddable NATO Equipment Font. (103K)
This font is SHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. It has NATO equipment, as well as some non-NATO items. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions and a Character map of all the symbols. See below for details. |
- I agree - Download the embeddable Soviet Equipment Font. (92.4K)
This font is SHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions and a Character map of all the symbols. See below for details. |
- I agree - Download the Modern Planes (side) Font. (44.2K)
This font is rSHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions and a Character map of all the symbols (with annotations identifying the planes). See below for details. |
- I agree - Download the Modern Planes (top) Font. (51.5K)
This font is SHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. Also includes airport/runway icons. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions and a Character map of all the symbols (with annotations identifying the planes). See below for details. |
- I agree - Download the Modern Ship Font. (122K)
This font is SHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. It has all Royal Navy equipment, as well as many other ships and naval equipments. Now includes ship type planning icons and Type 45-2. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions and a Character map of all the symbols (with annotations identifying the ships). See below for details. |
- I agree - Download the WW2 Tank Font. (52.8K)
This font is recorded as SHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions, and a Windows Helpfile with names of the tanks, etc. See below details. |
- I agree - Download the WW2 Soldier Font. (73.1K)
This font is SHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions and a Character map of all the symbols. See below for details.
- I agree - Download the Generic Equipment Font. (34.2K)
This font is SHAREWARE but you are free to use it like the other fonts. If you are interested, I have produced a registered version consisting of 2 fonts with the images facing in opposite directions and a Character map of all the symbols. See below for details.